题 目:FDI Liberalization, Educational Attainment, and Occupational Resorting between Migrants and Local Workers in China
主讲人:苗壮 博士
时 间:2023年6月7日(周三)18:00-20:00
地 点:沙河校区二教108
主 办:raybet雷竞技竞猜在线官网
摘要:This study examines the impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) on the local labor market using detailed population census data from China. We leverage the quasi-natural experiment of FDI deregulation policy in 2002 in China to investigate how the labor market adjusts to FDI liberalization. Our findings suggest that the liberalization leads to several adjustments in the labor market. Firstly, local workers increase their educational level while migrants’ educational levels degrade. Secondly, FDI has a positive impact on educational wage premiums, but this effect is less pronounced for migrants. Thirdly, the total number of job positions and the share of high-skill positions increase. However, migrants are more likely to be allocated to low-skill or high-hazard positions compared to local workers. Our results reveal that while FDI liberalization upgrades the educational structure of employment and increases educational wage premiums by creating more high-skill positions, these positions are primarily allocated to local workers. Consequently, the growth of low-skill and high-hazard occupational opportunities for migrants discourages them from attaining higher educational levels. Overall, our study contributes to the understanding of how FDI affects the local labor market and provides insights into how policymakers can ensure that the benefits of FDI are more widely distributed.
苗壮,raybet雷竞技竞猜在线官网讲师,加拿大麦吉尔大学经济学博士。研究领域为国际贸易、市场竞争理论、公共卫生政策、劳动市场。研究成果发表于Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, Review of International Economics等期刊。