题 目:Big Push to Export: An Unintended Consequence of Domestic license Regulation in Digital Sector
主讲人:李小帆 副研究员
时 间:2023年11月2日(周四)18:30-20:30
地 点:raybet雷竞技竞猜在线官网沙河校区二教112
主 办:raybet雷竞技竞猜在线官网raybet雷竞技竞猜在线官网
摘要:This paper finds that a China’s domestic game-license regulation in 2018 pushed the domestic firms in this sector to increase their export immediately and dramatically, especially larger firms with smaller export relative to their home sales. An interesting question is why did not the firms export intensively before 2018. Since this regulation rarely affects current-period home sales but the future, we build a simple dynamic model with consumer acquisition and accumulation. The calibrated model can fit the data well, including the heterogenous response that larger firms switch from home market to foreign market more intensively after 2018.